About Malachi

Malachi Joseph is the visionary and creative force who brings the message of God to life through Malachi’s Ministry. Through upbeat and mellow music, Malachi shares positive messages using lyrics that reflect on his own life and his relationship with God. “This is a powerful project for me, as my mission is to use songs to provide a spiritual experience to each listener that they might be moved and uplifted.” A singer since joining a church choir at age 7, Malachi has taught writing, poetry and lyrics to young aspiring artists, and managed student performing arts programs before concentrating on bringing his own vision to life.

Malachi was baptized Catholic, became agnostic as a teen, yet it was in his early 20s when he started seriously writing, pursuing music and being creative that he felt in touch with the Creator. He sought out new age spirituality for a while, then became a Rastafarian for many years, which was when he began to pray daily with the Psalms from the Bible, while living in Miami. It was there he also discovered his love of reggae music, and worked with artists in the local scene. When he moved back to Philadelphia, he studied all of the major religions to teach them for a unit as part of his world history classes. Malachi explains, “I liked having my own independent spiritual identity where I believed I took the best philosophies each religion had to offer, shed the things that didn't resonate with me, and incorporated everything into my own ideology and outlook on life. However, it was actually after I completed the demo for Psalms of Praise two years ago, the following day was when I felt the presence of Christ touch my soul, forever altering my paradigm and further clarifying for me my purpose in life. It was a spiritual transformation within me unlike one I had ever felt before. Since that time I have maintained regular scripture studies as part of my daily prayer routine. So it helped me understand what I think Jesus meant in John 3:5 when he said you need to be born again to see the kingdom of God: I was baptized Christian as a child, and rediscovered Christ again now as my spiritual guide as an adult as the truth and the way for me. Yet I still believe everyone has the right to find what works for them, and follow their own path to seek God.”